Who can practice Reiki?

Absolutely anyone can learn Reiki because we all have the capacity to channel healing energies. When you are initiated into Reiki, you become a more open channel for the transmission of healing forces and a conduit for the Reiki energy. Reiki guides itself with its own Divine wisdom, rather than requiring the direction of the practitioner. A Reiki healer is like a wave in an ocean that is backed by the full power of the ocean.

Is Reiki safe?

Because Reiki is guided by spiritual consciousness, it can never do harm. It is abundant and limitless. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create an effect that is appropriate. It is always helpful and always safe.

Do all healers use Reiki?

There are many kinds of healing energy and many different healing modalities. All healers work with energy or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of energy that can only be channeled by someone who has been attuned to it. People who are already doing healing work report a consistent increase in the strength of their healing energies after being attuned to Reiki.

Do I have to offer Reiki to others?

No, you do not have to become a practitioner of Reiki or offer services to anyone else unless you feel called to do so. In Level 1, the primary focus will be on giving Reiki to yourself as a form of self-care and self-healing. As an added bonus, once you are attuned to Reiki, the Reiki energy will flow through you at all times and bring healing where it is needed without you having to activate or direct it. That means that you become an even more healing presence in the world, simply by showing up and being you!

What if I want to offer services to others?

If your goal is to simply give Reiki energy to your loved ones or pets, you will learn all you need to know to be a healing channel in Level 1. If your goal is to become a Reiki practitioner and start charging for your services, you will want to complete Level 2 to dive deeper into how to give Reiki to others and work with the Reiki symbols.

Will practicing Reiki drain my energy?

Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s personal energies are not part of the session and are never depleted. In fact, the Reiki consciousness considers both the practitioner and the client to be in need of healing, so both receive healing benefits. Because of this, giving a session always increases one’s energies and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of well-being.

Will a virtual or distance attunement be as effective as an in-person attunement?

Yes. As universal life force energy, Reiki transcends time and space (which is why we are able to transmit it across distances). The Reiki attunement will be just as effective when received from a trained Reiki Master from a distance. However, the attunement ceremony MUST be done live, so do not trust any online Reiki trainings that promise to attune you through a recording. The Reiki Master must be present, whether in person or virtually, to intentionally open up your personal energetic field and embed the Reiki symbols in it.

Can I receive all three attunements at the same time?

Some places will offer both the Level 1 and Level 2 attunements in a single day or weekend. However, I believe that it is vitally important to take at least 21 days between each attunement in order to fully integrate the Reiki energy, continue to open and expand your energy channels, and address whatever came up for you in your attunement.

The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body, as well as the energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The flow of Reiki energy encourages a release of various toxins that have made their way into the cellular memory of your physical body and built up in the energy system over time. You may experience physical symptoms, such as weakness, illness or aches and pains, as toxins are released from the areas of the body where they have been stored and are flushed from your system. These are all a sign of healing and are not something to be concerned about but require time, rest and presence for full healing to occur. Stuck stagnant emotions and thought patterns that are no longer useful may also get kicked loose, in order to be cleared form your field. A period of adjustment is necessary so that the body and other aspects of your being can get used to these healthy new conditions. Seeing this transition as an important part of the attunement process and approaching it mindfully and with intention will allow for the most powerful transformation. This is why I guide you through a 21 day energetic cleanse at the end of Levels 1 and 2.

Do I have to receive all the attunements from the same person?

No, you do not. You can receive each attunement from a different Reiki Master if you desire or you can find one teacher that you trust to guide you through the full journey.

How do I choose a Reiki training?

The most important thing is that you find a teacher who you trust and who makes you feel safe, because part of the attunement process involves the Reiki Master actually opening up your aura and embedding the Reiki symbols in it.

It is also important to do your homework and find out exactly what is included in your training. Some Reiki trainings that I’ve seen don’t do much “training” at all but simply provide the attunement to Reiki, so don’t be afraid to ask questions about what you can expect to learn.

It can be helpful to spend time time thinking about what your intention is for your training. You can then use this information to evaluate different training options and see which is most in alignment. Some helpful questions to ask are:

  • Why do I want to learn Reiki?

  • What do I most hope to experience or learn during my Reiki training?

  • What am I hoping to do with my Reiki attunement? What is my desired outcome? To give Reiki to myself? To share Reiki with others? To begin a career as a Reiki practitioner? To become a Reiki Master and teach others about Reiki?

  • Would I prefer an in-person training or an online one?

  • What is the best timing for my training?